Carbon Literacy resources
This page contains all of the resources you will need to carry out Carbon Literacy Awareness training in schools. The course is accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project and students can be accredited if you wish to self fund at a cost of £10 per person.
Further information
A timetable for delivery has been put together which shows 5.5 hours of face to face delivery. There is an expectation that the class teacher will follow up with the carbon classroom activity, which is around 2 hours, plus prior work (carbon footprint calculation) which is 30 minutes. The course has been written by qualified teachers which reflects the relevant knowledge which students will be able to understand. By completing this course and going through the formal accreditation process, students will become Carbon Literate. If you are not intending to go through the accreditation process, please use the carbon awareness resources.
Overview and timings (word 37 kb)
Presentation slides (ppt 1.25 mb)
Teacher notes (pdf 732 kb)
Participant Form (word 85 kb)
Activity Resources
- Activity 1 - Climate action bingo cards (pdf 1.1 mb)
- Activity 2a - Greenhouse effect diagram (pdf 103 kb)
- Activity 2b - Greenhouse effect statements (pdf 51 kb)
- Activity 3 - Greenhouse gas card sort (pdf 211 kb)
- Activity 4 - Country and vulnerability card sort (full set) (pdf 2.3 mb)
- Activity 4 - Country and Vulnerability card sort (small groups) (pdf 1.9 mb)
- Activity 5 - Carbon footprint calculator (pdf 111 kb)
- Activity 6 - The carbon footprint of food card sort (pdf 246 kb)
- Activity 7 - The carbon footprint of travel card sort (pdf 112 kb)
- Activity 8 – Quiz ABCD flashcards (pdf 2.2 mb)
- Activity 9 - Zero Carbon World - postcards from the future - vision hand outs (pdf 202 kb)
- Activity 10 - The carbon footprint of a school card sort (pdf 58 kb)
- Carbon Classroom Lesson 7 - Preparing for the Carbon Classroom (pdf 153 kb)
- Carbon Classroom Lesson 8 - Practice, practice, practice (pdf 140 kb)
Please consider the environment.