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Climate action fortnight 2020

Join us for a fortnight of climate action, tackling an Eco-Schools topic with a climate emergency slant each day and featuring special guest speakers, activities and challenges for students and training opportunities for staff. All content will be hosted online via Microsoft Teams Live.

Further information

Monday 9 November - Friday 20 November

Download the full brochure here

Our Climate Action Fortnight will tackle an Eco-Schools topic with a climate emergency slant each day and feature special guest speakers, activities and challenges for students and training opportunities for staff. All content will be hosted online via Microsoft Teams Live and be uploaded to the EcoSchoolsLCC YouTube channel to be accessed at any time.

The event is aimed at all schools in Leicester City – primary, secondary and special schools. We expect schools to connect with the climate action fortnight in year groups due to working in year group bubbles.

Commencing on Monday 9 November, the fortnight will also feature the Sustainable Schools’ Celebration and culminating on Friday 20 November with an ‘in-school’ strike by creating a social media-based protest.

All schools are invited to participate in the event, either at the time or when convenient, and are asked to share stories with other schools via the Sustainable Schools newsletter and to submit a short clip of the Climate Action Fortnight activities for a city-wide short film.

As part of the fortnight we are encouraging schools to declare their own Climate Emergency and, with the support of governors/trustees, make changes in the school to reduce their carbon emissions and help tackle climate change.

To submit your interest in attending the event, please fill out this online form.

Launch event

  • To launch the Climate Action Fortnight there will be a Virtual Assembly the week before, on Wednesday 4 November 2020 at 9.30am. Watch the assembly here.

 Throughout the Fortnight 

  • During the first week of Climate Action Fortnight there are lots of events taking place during the Youth Climate Summit brought to you by Transform our World.
  • We have produced a bingo game which can be downloaded and printed to share with students to complete both in schools and at home. It can be downloaded along with certificates at the bottom of this page.
  • We are working with the Documentary Media Centre to produce a mini newsroom for our Climate Action Fortnight, find out more by downloading the booklet. 
  • Leicester libraries are supporting Climate Action Fortnight by highlighting some of our e-resources on an environmental theme as well as making available two online stories to share via YouTube (The Three Green Ladies and All or Nothing).
  • We have worked with Climate Action Leicester and Leicestershire to produce a suggested book list on climate change and climate justice. It is available on the Climate Reading list and in the downloadable booklet. 
  • Poets Matt Goodfellow, Liz Brownlee and Roger Stevens will be joining schools across Leicester during Climate Action Fortnight to share some great poems on some of the weeks’ key themes and to give you some great tips on how to write poetry with a strong environmental message. Along with this is an amazing competition being run by Whatever it Takes with a deadline of 15 January 2021. 

Week 1

Monday 9 November - Global Citizenship - Watch on YouTube

Tuesday 10 November - Biodiversity - Watch on YouTube

  • Speakers - Mya-Rose Craig and Sarah Staunton-Lamb
  • Activities - An amazing screening of The Promise, a brand new BBC 20-minute post-apocalyptic urban fairy tale of a young thief who tries to snatch an old woman’s bag. A screening tool is also available.
  • Eco-Schools at Home - resource 

Wednesday 11 November - Health Living - Watch on YouTube

  • Speakers - Dr Aamir Hussain, Lisa Didier and Jess Mhesuria
  • Activities - Find out about carbon miles for your food with BBC.
  • Other events - Climate Emergency #EcoTeachMeet. Presentations from colleagues on the impact of environmental education, projects and activities happening in Leicester, with a focus on the climate emergency - Watch on YouTube 

Thursday 12 November - Transport - Watch on YouTube

  • Speakers - Sarah Smith, Anna Singleton and Danielle Kennell
  • Activities - We know we should all cycle, scoot or walk to school whenever we can to reduce CO2 emissions and air pollution, and to improve health and fitness. However, if there is one day to get as many children (and adults) walking, scooting or cycling to school as possible, it is today!
  • Eco-Schools at Homeresource 

Friday 13 November - Litter - Watch on YouTube

  • Speakers - Lee Wray-Davies and Cassie Kemp
  • Activities - Carry out a litter pick around the school grounds or even your local area. If possible collect recyclables separately and put them in the recycling bins.
  • Other events - We will be delivering our Litter Less Training from 1.30-3.30 pm for those schools that are participating in Litter Less 2020-21.
  • Eco-Schools at Homeresource 


Week 2

Monday 16 November - Marine - Watch on YouTube

  • Speakers - Alex Cameron, Cassie Kemp and Rachael Wright
  • Activities - Marine Conservation – Cool Seas Explore Centre – find out all about the oceans and seas  
  • Eco-Schools at Home -  resource

Tuesday 17 November - School Grounds - Watch on YouTube

  • Speakers - Sam Woods, Martha Rose and Mary Jackson 
  • Activities - Design your own ideal playground – classroom activity and 8 easy minibeast habitats children can make in the school grounds
  • Eco-Schools at Home - resource

Wednesday 18 November - Waste - Watch on YouTube

  • Speakers - Lisa Didier, Be the Change Poets and Kim Tilley 
  • Activities - Spark Arts “Talking Rubbish” Bitesize Recycling Creative Learning Toolkit containing some fun creative activities using recycled materials, Food Waste – Sainsburys resourcesWaste free lunchesMake a t-shirt bag  
  • Eco-Schools at Homeresource 
  • Other events/activities - Lisa Didier from Food for Life will be putting on a food waste webinar supported by Avenue Primary School - Watch on YouTube

Thursday 19 November - Water - Watch on YouTube

  • Speakers - Phil Pearce and Be the Change Poets 
  • ActivitiesHow much water do we use at home? (Anglian Water), Water Footprint Calculator (American but useful to show water use)
  • Eco-Schools at Homeresource 
  • Other activities - 3D Printer Competition – Win a 3D Printer for your school by designing a water saving / anti-pollution device

Friday 20 November - Energy - Watch on YouTube

  • Speakers - Alex Green and Daze Aghaji
  • ActivitiesCarbon foot-printing activityDeclare a climate emergency
  • Eco-Schools at Home -  resource 
  • Other activities - We’ll be encouraging schools through the fortnight to learn about students that have attended the Friday Strikes. On the Friday we would like school to have their own in-strike on site. This will obviously be subject to Covid restrictions and not mixing bubbles. Share with you on social media using the hashtag #ClimateActionLE

For more information:

Resources for the fortnight:

Climate Action Bingo (pdf 1010kb) - We have produced a Bingo Game which can be downloaded and printed to share with students to complete both in schools and at home.

Climate Action Bingo Certificate (.pdf 183kb)

Low Carbon Food Activity (.pdf 144kb)


Please consider the environment.