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This page contains guidance, information, forms and links for health and safety training. This includes requirements and recommendations for training of employees.

Further information

About the training

The sessions contain practical exercises that give you the chance to practice your skills and share your experiences. For each course you attend, you will receive the appropriate certificate.

How much will it cost?

Other than where specifically mentioned, all courses are free of charge.


Delegates failing to attend a FREE course without prior notification will be charged:

  • £75 for a full day
  • £40 for a half day

Courses that are NOT FREE will be charged as above PLUS the full delegate fee is not refundable in any circumstances.

Delegate substitution is permitted at any time, even on the day.

No charges will be made and monies will be returned where cancellation is by the organiser.

Liability cannot be accepted for any consequential loss.


Times are specified in the current Training Provision document:

All courses will begin promptly and all delegates are advised to arrive in good time.

Late arrivals will not be accepted. This will be dealt with as non-attendance and therefore, will incur charges as above. During all courses, portable communication devices must be switched off.

To book your place

Before you book, do make sure that you speak with your own manager to agree your attendance. Then, all you have to do (except where stated) is either

For further information, please contact Health & Safety Training, telephone 0116 454 3210.

If you require D&TA accredited training such as portable power tools, please follow this link -  Consultant Directory - D&T Association (

You can contact a trainer in your area to set up a tailored training course to meet your requirements that can be delivered on site. Use the link above for the trainer directory, filter for a Health & Safety trainer, put in your postcode and press search  to find a suitable one in your area. The list of names can be opened individually for their contact details and accreditations. The trainer will be able to advise you regarding cost and training details.  Please feel free to get a quote from more than one trainer.

Staff information book

As a city council employee you need to be aware of our health and safety arrangements. This short guide has been prepared to make you aware of general health and safety arrangements and how you can play your part in keeping your workplace safe.

It is our policy to take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of all persons working both on council premises and delivering council services. We will ensure that there are adequate health and safety facilities available, and that the relevant safety requirements and codes of practice are known and adhered to at all times.

All employees, however, have a responsibility for safety and if you find anything that you think is unsafe, or may become unsafe, report it to your manager. They can then take action to make it safe.

Please consider the environment.