What's happening this term?
This section contains details of forthcoming governor events/briefing sessions being held during this term.
Further information
Training and development
Chairs of governors termly meetings 2024-2025
- Wednesday 5 March 2025, 10am to 12noon (Microsoft Teams)
- Wednesday 4 June 2025, 4pm to 6pm (face to face at New Parks House)
Autumn term 2024 local authority briefing papers
- Childcare reforms – wraparound childcare – Part 2
- Change Partnership Programme (separate attachment)
- New Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education
- Educational Visits Induction for Governors
- Formal Collaboration Arrangements between Governing Bodies
- Governing Body Annual Planner - Tasks for the Autumn Term (separate attachments - maintained and academy )
- Governor Training 24/25 - Safeguarding and Health and Safety
- REMINDER: Private Fostering
- REMINDER: Prevent in Education
Please consider the environment.