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Your Sustainable Schools education team

We support schools throughout Leicester on environmental and sustainable education. Your main contact is Marc Tench, sustainable schools manager for Leicester. Working alongside Marc is education officer Laura Barke, and project officer Jasmine Walker.

Further information


Marc, Sustainable Schools Manager

I am a former geography teacher, working for 16 years at schools in Birmingham, London and most recently Warwickshire, where I was also Key Stage 3 co-ordinator for Geography I have a Masters in Education and I have recently completed a diploma, part of an MSc in Wildlife and Conservation Management on a part time basis. 

I recently worked for Forestry England, initially this was as a volunteer where I shadowed a Community Ranger, and then in a part time position, where I manage visitors, maintain trails, and work with volunteers at a site in the National Forest. 

I am now the Sustainable Schools manager and I look forward to working with the staff and young people of schools in Leicester.  

Contact details 

Marc Tench, Sustainable Schools manager
Phone: 0116 454 6746  

Laura, Education Officer

I am former primary school teacher where I taught predominantly in upper KS2 for nearly four years. I was also the PE coordinator for the school where I pushed to improve children’s overall health and wellbeing through initiatives such as the daily mile. Before teaching, I graduated with a BSc in Psychology and a Primary with Maths Specialism PGCE.  

I love working with young people and helping them to understand the world around them in fun and exciting ways. I have been involved in the Scout Association for many years now and have held different roles within Loughborough district, helping to inspire young people to become more aware of the world around them. I am currently a Beaver Scout Leader but still support in other areas of the movement when possible 

I am now the Eco-schools Education Officer, where I will mainly be supporting schools to move through the  Eco-Schools awards. I am really looking forward to getting to know individual schools and helping to engage young people in understanding more about the current climate crisis.  

Contact details

Laura Barke, Education Officer
Phone: 0116 454 7156

Jasmine, Project Officer

I joined the Sustainable Schools team as a Project Officer in November 2023, and will be working on the WWF project, amongst other things. I’ve previously worked with the Sustainable Schools team while working for Learning through Landscapes, on the Polli:Gen project, which supported schools and community groups in Leicester to make pollinator friendly improvements to their grounds.

Following this, I then worked for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust on the Nextdoor Nature project, which gave community groups in Nottingham the support and advise they need to make space for nature.

I’m really excited to work with schools in Leicester again, and am passionate about helping young people connect with nature, as well as making Leicester better for both people and wildlife.

Contact details

Jasmine Walker, Project Officer                                                                                                                                          Phone: 0116 454 6743                                                                                                                                            Email: 

Please consider the environment.