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Sunflower growing competition 2019

The sunflower growing competition ran since 2001 and has proved to be very popular with pupils and staff alike. The sunflower competition has now come to an end and has been replaced with the pumpkin growing competition.

Further information

The sunflower growing competition was a fantastic way of encouraging schools to nurture plants in the school ground. A huge congratulations went to Rolleston Primary School who won, with the heaviest sunflower head in the 2019 competition (1.75kg). We also say a big congratulations to the runners up

  • 2nd – Nurturing Group (1.017kg, 0.769kg and 0.649kg)
  • 3rd – Bridge Junior School (0.376kg, 0.649kg)

All three schools received a Co-operative voucher to spend on some nice goodies. Rolleston received the shield with an updated panel.

Supports your Eco-Schools healthy living, school grounds and biodiversity action areas. Please note from 2020, we are now running the pumpkin growing competition

How to plant your sunflower seeds

Please note trays are no longer provided. Just use a tray you will have somewhere in school.

Potting up your sunflower seeds 

If you have any further questions please email


Please consider the environment.