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Saving the Saffron Brook

This is a river restoration programme which aims to transform the Saffron Brook/Wash Brook Catchment. This will be done by restoring the river, recreating, and conserving habitats and creating footpaths along the river. For this project there will be a big focus on engaging the local community and connecting residents and school children with nature.

Further information


Environmental workshops

For this project we are working with schools within the river catchment. We are offering up to 15 workshops per school, which will run during term time throughout 2022 and early 2023. The sessions aim to bring pupils closer to nature and become more engaged with the Saffron Brook.

The main themes covered in these sessions are marine life, litter, water, climate change, biodiversity, sustainable living, and school grounds. These include activities such as water surveys, litter picks, plastic art, wildlife surveys, pond dipping, tree planting, trips to local parks and nature reserves, and many more.


100 Species Challenge

As part of the project we have recently launched the 100 species challenge, in collaboration with NatureSpot. This challenge is about finding, identifying and recording 100 species, which include insects, mammals, trees, wildflowers and fungi. If you would like to get involved with your school, please get in touch.


Please follow the link for further information on the whole project Saving the Saffron Brook - river restoration scheme (

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Please consider the environment.