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Running out of Time is coming to Leicester

Running Out of Time 2023 is a 2000km relay this summer from Ben Nevis to Big Ben in the name of climate action. This year’s relay will take place between 10 June and 11 July and will pass through Leicester on Tuesday 27 June.

Further information

Leicester has been given the opportunity to showcase environmental and climate action projects as part of the relay. We are especially interested in schools participating by hosting 'stop offs' along the journey and participating in part of the relay. 

We are keen to see interesting and exciting ways that the baton could travel, for example it could be the whole school participating in the daily mile with the baton, passing between all students on the school playground/field or even rowing between 2 spots! 

We have a very tight turnaround to put together potential options. If you would like your school to be considered in either hosting a 'stop off' or participating in the relay (or both!), please complete the short eForm by the end of Friday 24 June 2023. 

If you have any questions please contact the Sustainable Schools team on

Please consider the environment.