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Grow your own grub competition

The Mealbarrow competition is a great way to encourage food growing in the school community. Schools participate by creating a ‘mealbarrow’, so even if you don’t have a designated growing area you can still enter. The competition is open to any Leicester school or schools in the traded services and can be done with an individual class or gardening club.

Further information

Why participate?

  • Combine creative culinary skills and gardening, your school is challenged to design a three course menu and grow a minimum of 5 ingredients in your Mealbarrow along with your own growing area. Mealbarrows are then showcased 

  • Raise awareness of healthy eating and cooking in your school. Use as part of your Food for Life and Eco-Schools Awards

  • Opportunity to showcase food growing in a city wide school competition

  • Enter the Mealbarrow competition for an opportunity of first, second or third place

  • Receive recognition with Bronze, Silver or Gold Grow your Own Grub Award for published criteria on your extended growing area

School commitments

  • Attend free food growing training

  • You will need to provide compost, seeds and/or plug plants (some seeds provided after the training)

  • You will need to reuse the wheelbarrow from last year, or upcycle an old wheelbarrow (ask around in school or get in touch if you are struggling)

  • Design and submit a healthy 3 course menu 

  • Grow at least 5 of your ingredients in the Mealbarrow

  • Deliver and collect the Mealbarrow the event venue for the celebration day at Abbey Mead Pumping Station

  • Host the judging team during your site visit to view your Mealbarrow and extended growing area (where available).

  • Advertise the competition and the celebration day to parents & families via school newsletters and the school’s social media channels

Supports your Eco-Schools healthy living, school grounds and biodiversity topics & Food for Life Award criteria.

Get involved

Any questions please email


Please consider the environment.