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Our School, Our World

Our School, Our World is a project new to Leicester for 2024-2025, supporting primary schools to further their work on sustainability and climate change by providing bespoke training, resources, and support. This approach differs from other sustainability projects as it ensures that it becomes a whole school agenda as is initiated by the headteacher and governors alongside a senior leader programme.

Further information

Funded through Lets Go Zero, Our Schools, Our World is a programme of support for 20 primary, infant or junior schools in Leicester to integrate environmental education into the curriculum and develop systems and practices which support sustainability.

The aims of the project are:

  • Develop an integrated environmental education curriculum gradually and systematically ‘greening’ the curriculum and supporting the development of green skills.
  • Enable children and young people to develop a close connection with nature to support health & wellbeing and develop pro sustainability behaviours.
  • Develop school organisational systems and practices which support sustainability and local Net Zero targets.
  • Empower children and their families to become changemakers both personally and collectively and develop climate leadership skills in young people.

Why take part:

  • Be one of 20 pioneering schools in our area implementing the programme, and part of a network of schools sharing excellent practice across Brent, Bedfordshire, Devon, Leicester and Brighton & Hove.
  • Meet DfE requirements for the end of 2025 (Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy)
  • Gain direct access to Climate Action Advisors (All schools should have a climate action plan by 2025 – DfE)
  • Opportunities to meet online with other schools in the hub to share good practice and challenges.
  • Access to a dedicated project website to support your work (with curriculum linked resources developed by teachers)
  • Be a key school in a nationally significant piece of work with the potential to positively influence the future of thousands of young people in Leicester and help pave the way to a brighter more sustainable future.
  • Access to 3 FREE training days for school staff as follows:

Date (venue in Leicester TBC)

Training title


26 November

Excellence in Leadership for Sustainability

Headteacher, Governor, Senior Programme Lead

27 November

Effective Curriculum Development and Assessment/Supporting Eco-Anxiety

Senior Programme Lead (SPL)

28 November

Working Towards Net Zero

School Business Manager (+ Site Manager, SPL where possible)

This approach differs from other sustainability projects as it ensures that sustainability becomes a whole school agenda and is initiated by the headteacher and governors alongside a senior leader programme.

Approval will need to be sought from headteachers/SLT to take part in the programme. Marc Tench, Sustainable Schools Manager at Leicester City Council is available to discuss this further, either in person or online. Please email to express interest or to arrange a meeting.

A recording of an information session can be found here.



Please consider the environment.