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Carbon Literacy Project

Carbon Literacy: “An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”

Further information

In February 2019, Leicester City Council declared a climate emergency. We have developed a climate emergency programme of action to reduce carbon with an ambition of the city becoming net zero carbon.

In order to raise awareness through the community of Leicester we are using The Carbon Literacy Project as a way of accrediting university students & school staff and governors to become Carbon Literate trainers who will deliver training to school students within the city.

Carbon Literacy training for school staff and governors

In order to raise awareness through the community of Leicester we are using The Carbon Literacy Project as a way of accrediting school staff and students to become Carbon Literate.  This equivalent one-day course will enable participants to be Carbon Literate and support them deliver their own course back in school. We have accredited over 100 school staff members in Leicester using our own training courses. 

We now have a specific course for governors and senior leaders in schools, alongside our teacher training course.  


How to book

We have two face to face courses taking place during the 2023-2024 academic year. The course is suitable for all school staff, including governors and senior leaders. To book a space, please complete the eForm or contact For more information, please see the flyer at the bottom of this page. 


Why participate?

  • Gain a better understanding of how climate change will affect you and those around you

  • Become an accredited Carbon Literate individual

  • Acquire knowledge and skills to develop your own responses to lowering your carbon footprint, and the carbon footprint of others

  • Gain knowledge of delivering a course about basic climate change science to your students

  • Help to enable students to become Carbon Literate or carbon aware

Your commitments

  • Attend all training sessions (for online training this is 3 online sessions)

  • Complete feedback about your experience

  • Create at least one significant action, as an individual, to reduce your own personal carbon footprint

  • Create at least one significant action involving other people to reduce the collective footprint of your workplace, community or place of education

  • Encourage your school to participate in Carbon Literacy either by delivering training yourself or arranging for Leicester City Council to deliver in-house (at a future date to be confirmed)



Please consider the environment.