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Spring School Census 16 January 2025

View instructions and guidance for preparation, completion and uploading. The deadline for submitting data is 4pm (Friday 17 January).


Climate library

Through information comes power and we have provided a selection of resources to educate pupils about the climate emergency and the environment.

Further information

Climate Library

We have worked with Climate Action Leicester and Leicestershire (CALL) to produce a recommended reading list for schools on Climate Change and Climate Justice for both primary and secondary. 

The list includes both fiction and non-fiction.

The PDF list can be downloaded

A full list with a description of the books can be found here. 

Climate Action Fortnight online storytelling, e-book and e-audio list

Leicester libraries are supporting Climate Action Fortnight by highlighting some of our e-resources on an environmental theme as well as making available two online stories to share below.

Children and families can borrow books and e-resources by joining Leicester Libraries free online or at any of our 16 libraries across the city. Access our e-resources with your individual library card from the Libraries from Home page

The PDF list can be downloaded

The Three Green Ladies 

 All or Nothing 


Please consider the environment.