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Calendar of events

Calendar of environmental opportunities and events throughout the academic year.

Further information

The calendar below is representative of the 2024/25 school year. A full-page, mobile friendly version of the calendar can be downloaded as a PDF at the bottom of this page.

Event Details Date Month
Fairtrade Fortnight virtual assembly Monday 16 September
World Cleanup Day (Litter) Friday 20 September
World Car Free Day Sunday 22 September
Start of Seed Gathering Season - Tree Council Sunday 22 September
Eco-Schools Training Session 1 (4-5:30pm on Teams) Wednesday 25 September
World Vegetarian Day Tuesday 1 October
World Animal Day Friday 4 October
World Teacher Day Saturday 5 October 
Carbon Literacy Training Thursday 10 October
World Food Day Wednesday 16 October
Eco-Schools Roadshow taking place throughout month (dates and venues TBC) Friday 1 November
Outdoor Classroom Day Thursday 7 November
National Tree Week starts Sunday 23 November
National Tree Week ends Sunday 1 December
World Soil Day Thursday 5 December
Deadline for Newsletter submissions Friday 27 December
Energy Saving Week starts Monday 20 January
Big Garden Birdwatch Friday 24 January
Energy Saving Week ends Sunday 26 January
Eco-Schools training session 2  Friday 31 January
World Wetlands Day Sunday 2 February
National Nest Box Week Friday 14 February
World Wildlife Day Monday 3 March
International Women's Day Sunday 8 March
Global Recycling Day Tuesday 18 March
Earth Hour virtual assembly Friday 21 March
World Water Day and Earth Hour 8:30 - 9:30pm Saturday 22 March
Big Walk and Wheel 2025 24 March - 4 April March
Deadline for Newsletter submissions Friday 18 April
Earth Day Tuesday 22 April
Eco-Schools training session 3 (1-3.30pm) Tuesday 29 April
World Bee Day virtual assembly Tuesday 20 May
World Environment Day Thursday 5 June
Great Big Green Week starts Saturday 7 June
World Ocean Day Sunday 8 June
Great Big Green Week ends Sunday 15 June
Eco-Schools Celebration (all day) Thursday 26 June
Deadline for Newsletter submissions Friday 28 June
Plastic bag free day Thursday 3 July





Please consider the environment.