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Healthier air for Leicester schools award

This award was created to celebrate the work undertaken by schools to change school travel behaviours, alleviate congestion outside of the school gates and improve air quality.

Further information

UPDATE: Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the Healthier air for Leicester schools awards have been postponed until June 2021.

Schools can participate through meeting a set list of criteria, which are listed in the Healthier Air for Leicester Schools information leaflet. The criteria are linked to school projects and awards you may already be participating in across Eco-Schools, Living Streets, School Run Parking and the Sustrans schools cycling project. These activities offer a unique opportunity to explore air pollution and change the behaviour of the whole school community and beyond.


In order to achieve a pass in the Healthier Air in Schools award you need to submit evidence of:

  1. Achieving at least your Silver Eco-Schools Award with the topic of transport covered
  2. At least one ongoing scheme for example Living Streets - Walk to School, Sustrans Schools Cycling - which has lasted at least two school terms
  3. At least one event involving parents and the community e.g. Big Pedal, Happy Shoes Day, car-free day, Clean Air Day, Switch your engine off for cleaner air, BetterPoints campaign, Active travel event
    You can also achieve a merit by evidencing other activities in school.

Examples of merit activities can include:

• Bikeability
• Balance bike training
• Park and stride planning
• Walking bus
• Child pedestrian training
• Air quality monitoring / investigation
• Air quality education project / campaign
• Increasing cycle storage, where appropriate
• Encouraging walking on school trips
• Participating in the Big Pedal
• Dr Bike and/or Bike week
• Promoting car sharing to staff and parents
• Using public transport for school trips
• Promoting public transport
• Annual cycling event
• Cycling lessons in PE


You can submit evidence of activities which have taken place in the last 12 months. This includes activities that took place during the 2019-20 academic year.


• Download the application form
• Email your completed form and evidence to

If we need any extra information or clarification, we will be in touch. All  schools who achieve the award will be invited to the celebration event in June 2021.

Your award lasts 12 months from approval. You will need to renew annually to maintain your award.

You can submit your evidence at any time, however submissions will be reviewed monthly.

The final deadline for submissions for next academic year will be Friday 28 May 2021.

Schools will receive a certificate to display their achievement and use of the 'Healthier air schools' logo.


Please consider the environment.