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Leicester community wellbeing champions conference

The Leicester Community Wellbeing Champions (CWC) are pleased to announce their upcoming conference; Raising Healthy Children & Young People: It Takes a City.

Further information

Set to take place on Thursday 5 December 2024, at Big Shed Conferences, the event aims to highlight the vital role we all play in supporting children’s and young people health and wellbeing across our city.

This year’s conference focuses on children and young people, placing them at the centre of the conversation. Highlighting strategies for promoting a healthy start, supporting wellbeing, and fostering environments where all children and young people are able to thrive.

Conference highlights

The conference will run from 9:30am to 3pm, with registration beginning at 9am (8:30am for stallholders).

A detailed agenda will be shared with all registrants closer to the event.

Register to attend

You can secure your place by booking your ticket here. Tickets are available to anyone supporting young people’s health and wellbeing in Leicester, designed for education staff, VCSE partners, community and faith groups, sports organisations, and all those championing children and young people’s health.

*Please note Membership in the Leicester Community Wellbeing Champions Network is not required to attend, but if you’re interested in joining, contact us at

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